Filicaia is a village in the municipality of Camporgiano.
The village of Filicaia is 4.9 kilometers from the same town of Camporgiano where it belongs.
Filicaia extends along the SR445 Garfagnana, placed after Camporgiano and Poggio, in the direction of Castelnuovo.
In the village you will find Villa Turri with its park, adorned with plants and a monumental Italian garden.
Mentioned for the first time in 1175, as a possession of the nuns of Santa Giustina of Lucca, is also mentioned in the papal bull of Alexander III in 1168.
Originally part of the town of Sillicano, before being declared independent fraction.
Small village populated by a small number of families, Filicaia located in a very fertile and rich in chestnut woods.

In 1902 was born in Filicaia Francesco Vecchiacchi, the creator of the first radio link.
The ARI Lucca is named after him.