Roggio, hamlet of the municipality of Vagli di Sotto in Garfagnana

Roggio is a hamlet of the municipality of Vagli di Sotto in Garfagnana near Lucca.
Roggio is located 858 meters above sea level, has a mainly mountainous areas alternated with various plans, devoted to agriculture.
The village is surrounded by green chestnut trees, which were once considered one of the most affordable sources of income.

Ruins of an ancient fortress .

Church of St. Bartolomeo: church of the XII century restored in 1740;
The facade is decorated with a portal with tympanum and a rosette carved in marble.

Inside an ancona of marble, education Lunigiana depicting the Madonna and saints (early sixteenth century), attributed by others to Nicolao Civitali.

House of the Pope : the house of the Pope is a house of stone, very characteristic, which was home of Felice Peretti Pope, Sisto V and dates back to the sixteenth century.